[Freedombox-discuss] can we buy the dreamplug

Michael Shuler michael at pbandjelly.org
Mon Aug 1 15:22:23 UTC 2011

On 08/01/2011 09:48 AM, nathan nolast wrote:
> After watching the debian conference video the speaker announced that
> the official developmental testing plugserver will be the dreamplug, can
> i safely purchase one under the impression that it will be fully
> supported for time to come? there seemed to be some hints towards
> talking with manufactores to address issues and add new features ect
> ect, so could we see a .. dreamplug made specifically for freedombox
> deployment?

Since the DreamPlug[0] was indicated to be the current reference
hardware for development, I think that would be a pretty safe
assumption.  I would also suggest that it is a very flexible server for
many purposes, when the day comes that you might like to get a
built-to-spec, plug and play freedombox to replace your development
device.  For $149 USD, it's a bargain.  I've had a SheevaPlug[1] for a
few years and have utilized it in several different manners to provide
services for work-related development, and now for my home network.  It
continues to be a very useful device, and I originally purchased it
purely for fun.

[0] http://www.globalscaletechnologies.com/t-dreamplugdetails.aspx
[1] http://www.globalscaletechnologies.com/t-sheevaplugdetails.aspx

Kind regards,

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