[Freedombox-discuss] Distributed Naming BOF Questions

ya knygar knygar at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 21:50:39 UTC 2011

> yes, any sort of FBX proposal that entirely drops support for existing
> DNS is going to have very poor adoption rates.  We shouldn't shoot
> ourselves in the foot like that.  However, we should also provide
> mechanisms for people to participate in a naming scheme that is more
> resistant to powerful/centralized attack, if possible.

i think - providing the decentralized distributed social networks with FBX,
along with hosting service, would dramatically increase the use of these
 possible domain networks. FBX's could be the routers to some kind of
"othernets" and should be, i think. If users of FBX's, fbx'd OS's etc. could
receive the fast and reliable method to use these "freenets" with their
hardware and/or software --  interest in that "freenet", combined with eventual
possibilities of free video-calling, and other highly possible
wireless benefits,
- could eventually become the key reasons for potential users.

> Perhaps the folks using the
> term on this list would like to make it clear at least what they think
> the advantages and goals of a "darknet" would be?

i think - the experienced TAC members could propose the definition for
some "freenet"
and enlist the benefits. Among these mentions of darknets - i'v seen -
people have mentioned
the essential idea of "other Internet", not like a particular solution.

> it would also
> be silly to make a device that just feeds your personal data and
> relationship information back into the same centralized social
> gatekeepers many of us are currently subject to.


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