[Freedombox-discuss] Distributed Naming BOF Questions

Charles N Wyble charles at knownelement.com
Thu Aug 4 21:53:52 UTC 2011

On 08/04/2011 04:50 PM, ya knygar wrote:
>> yes, any sort of FBX proposal that entirely drops support for existing
>> DNS is going to have very poor adoption rates.  We shouldn't shoot
>> ourselves in the foot like that.  However, we should also provide
>> mechanisms for people to participate in a naming scheme that is more
>> resistant to powerful/centralized attack, if possible.
> i think - providing the decentralized distributed social networks with FBX,
> along with hosting service, would dramatically increase the use of these
>  possible domain networks. FBX's could be the routers to some kind of
> "othernets" and should be, i think. If users of FBX's, fbx'd OS's etc. could
> receive the fast and reliable method to use these "freenets" with their
> hardware and/or software --  interest in that "freenet", combined with eventual
> possibilities of free video-calling, and other highly possible
> wireless benefits,
> - could eventually become the key reasons for potential users.

Yep. Right on. That's the business plan. :)
> i think - the experienced TAC members could propose the definition for
> some "freenet"
> and enlist the benefits. Among these mentions of darknets - i'v seen -
> people have mentioned
> the essential idea of "other Internet", not like a particular solution.

Let's not hold the TAC up as the end all/be all. We are all equal on
this list.

>> it would also
>> be silly to make a device that just feeds your personal data and
>> relationship information back into the same centralized social
>> gatekeepers many of us are currently subject to.
> +1


-Charles Wyble (who is about 40 hours away from releasing the
FreedomNode reference implementation). Hope everyone else is hacking

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