[Freedombox-discuss] Distributed Naming BOF Questions

John Walsh fiftyfour at waldevin.com
Fri Aug 5 03:53:11 UTC 2011

Hi Charles,

Please confirm my understanding of your FreedomNode implementation;

> > i think - providing the decentralized distributed social 
> networks with 
> > FBX, along with hosting service, would dramatically 
> increase the use 
> > of these  possible domain networks. FBX's could be the 
> routers to some 
> > kind of "othernets" and should be, i think. If users of 
> FBX's, fbx'd 
> > OS's etc. could receive the fast and reliable method to use these 
> > "freenets" with their hardware and/or software --  interest in that 
> > "freenet", combined with eventual possibilities of free 
> video-calling, 
> > and other highly possible wireless benefits,
> > - could eventually become the key reasons for potential users.
> Yep. Right on. That's the business plan. :)
> >> it would also
> >> be silly to make a device that just feeds your personal data and 
> >> relationship information back into the same centralized social 
> >> gatekeepers many of us are currently subject to.
> > +1
> Mmhmm.
> -Charles Wyble (who is about 40 hours away from releasing the 
> FreedomNode reference implementation). Hope everyone else is 
> hacking away....

So your FreeNode implementation will be the first pseudo "darknet" (choose
whatever label you like: "freenet" "othernet") FBX implementation - well
done! So, all FBX's will communicate with each other over a secure and
anonymous network independent of the existing DNS. Sweet. I have a couple of
Will FBX owners still communicate with people on the existing DNS system
(non-FBX owners)? 
Will an FBX owner have the same contact details across both networks, e.g.
username at mydomain.tld?

Kind Regards
-- fiftyfour

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