[Freedombox-discuss] Do we need a UI/UX Expert?
ya knygar
knygar at gmail.com
Fri Aug 12 14:37:46 UTC 2011
> I have seen many social networking sites that have added bling which looks cool initially but becomes jagged quite quickly, forcing the sites in a never-ending bling upgrade cycle. IMHO, FBX should keep the UI simple, but offer FBX users the option to upgrade their web-front end "theme" through CSS etc.
For a friendly Web client for most of the needs,
web client for SSH(or else) incorporated to provide advanced configuration.
as a UI-UX designer of social networks
i advice to separate
the development of Web client(s) for FBX
configuration and maintaining from
the design of the social networking projects,
and leave the latest to related projects.
Example -
XCCC PyOfWave project work with a conception of Extensions
in a way of Gadgets and Robots , kind of what you may seen
in GWave,
Gadgets we are working for are the latest (standardizing on places,
kind of https://apps.mozillalabs.com/) view
on Web Apps with a small additional API for working with our system,
that's to make the Gadgets reusable potentially everywhere.
Robots are Web Apps that have a deeper security clearance
into system, could be used for search crawling, AI, etc., showing as a
In such a system FBX could find the place for its configuration and other needs
IN the social system along with a separate Web Apps, to introduce a
choice and better UX.
I can't say for other social networks variants.
@John you'v done a reasonable job to sum these UX's of a current social webs,
however - the result of, at least PyOfWave is highly depend on the
current on-dev
specifications etc, kinds of http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/
latest identification schemes etc. etc. -- something is on dev ATM,
so a bits from your proposition is a work that being done in relating auth,
federation etc. working groups.
I were hoping FSW would lead us all, i'm still hoping - known and
respected FBX managers
and spokesman's would contact W3C, show the particular approach and
wind the life there.
the UI, by that UX we are for - would be change-able to the needs, on-the-fly.
Regardless and regarding of which data it would display.
Another particular job of XCCC is to decide on and try-off among
our very different classes of networks -
the best WYSIWYM and WYSIWYG practices.
There are even a new programming languages for UI/semantic
is being considering.
Maybe new languages is too much for current release,
but idea of fully them-able, constructable,
organizable environment where you see and to which you could enter what you need
, where you need, when you need, and how you need..
thankfully for a correct use of semantic practices is what we are for,
XCCC in overall is a really, very advanced project and some features
like a customizing
by Web App
of a full GUI of a mobile OS or your desktop "chromeless" web browser is
an experimental itself, but it's the future we are working for.
It would increasingly leave the UI-UX design to user,
otherwise it would be the plain old.. ..we are working for a better
experience than "existing".
I'll describe my position on importance of right data persisting for
social webs - in FreedomBases topic..
@Melvin FBook is partially open-sourced, you won't need to create a
clone by reinventing the same ;)
and.. there are a programmer from Russia, he had created a competitor
to FBook (well, that time, young FB,but
who cares) by itself :) That network has now approximately 150millions
of users now, without a major changes of conception.
He just provided the ability to share the audio and video to boost it
all up. To say more - almost every change from the original concepts
was facing the wide criticism from users,
by that i'm saying - to compete with a FBook kind of networks - you
don't need an amazing innovations or even a year of persons work,
see - https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Vkontakte
I don't want criticize the FBook or VK or kinds in the name of
POW(PyOfWave) project, just want to say that among XCCC developers i
know - that kinds of networking isn't under consideration,
at all - not the UI, not the UX, not the infrastructure itself.
As i know - nobody even looked to their approach to learn something
for our conceptions of next-level - concurrent networking.
I, personally, think that there were not a considerable innovation at
the start of that networks and what is more important - not a
primordium of evolution in a right direction for Internet.
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