[Freedombox-discuss] Identity Management wiki entry

Melvin Carvalho melvincarvalho at gmail.com
Sat Aug 13 09:45:00 UTC 2011

On 13 August 2011 09:43, John Walsh <fiftyfour at waldevin.com> wrote:
> Hi Everybody,
> I have reviewed http://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/IdentityManagement and
> have the following questions, comments and suggestions. Once agreement is
> reached, i.e. no disagreements on this thread I will update the wiki entry.
> First of all I would like to make the observation that the current document
> seems to be primarily concerned about security but touches on user
> management. If this document is concerned with trust management and not user
> management then I apologise now for my comments being off-topic about this
> wiki entry. I have also broadened the scope of user management to include
> people in every context.
> Before I write about user management, I would like to mention some
> differences I see between people in the real world and the online world. In
> the real world, a multi-lingual person speaks to different groups in their
> own languages, i.e. some group members may only understand the groups
> language. In the online world, multi-lingual people (correct me if this
> assumption is wrong) are happy to receive content in different languages as
> a single (activity) stream. However, the "mono-lingual" people only want to
> see the multi-lingual posts of their language and for this reason websites
> stream content based on language, e.g. en.wikinews.org, de.wikinews.org,
> en.ogmaciel.com, pt.ogmaciel.com. Does this mean multi-lingual people should
> have a different username for each language for the benefit of their
> "mono-lingual" audience?
> In the real world, when an activist says something controversial this may go
> unnoticed by most of their friends through the anonymity of the real world.
> Even those friends present at the time could have been surprised by the
> activists comments, but being human they may forget over time. However, in
> the online world there would be a permanent record of the activists comments
> - the internet never forgets. If the FBX is to accommodate this need, should
> the FBX manage two domains, one for personal usernames and one for activist
> usernames? Can you have 2 domains on the same IP address?
> Below are the existing Glossary entries
> Owner(s): Administrative account on the FreedomBox.
> User(s): refers to system user, which would be the login used to connect to
> a FreedomBox account.
> Identit{y,ies}: refers to a virtual (or service) identity.
> I would like to propose the following glossary entries;
> *Owner*
> The FBX Administrative Account
> *Local*
> One or many Local Area Network user accounts. Each Local has system user
> login access to a FBX.
> *Username*
> One or many username's (username at domain.tld) per account. Should there be
> one username per language?
> *Profile*
> Profiles can be based on relationships and language. Profiles are used to
> control the release of personal identifiable and personal information.
> *Contact*
> Address book of Local.
> *Guest*
> One or many contacts with Guest login access to the FBX. A Guest account is
> required to store your friends backup or for friends who only have an email
> address, i.e. no social network account. Each contact is associated with a
> profile through a defined relationship.
> *Circle*
> Lists of contacts. There will be lists for relationships which will be
> automatically updated when there is a new Guest. There can be custom lists
> with contacts and/or guests (guests are a subset of contacts).
> *Group*
> Private (invite only) and moderated and public forums/conferences for
> members
> *Member*
> Public access to Group login on the FBX
> *Subscriber*
> A "follower" of the public stream
> The existing *features* are listed below
> The User/Identity management must enforce privacy and avoid leaks of
> informations.
> Users/Owners of a FreedomBox should be able to have several Identities.
> Identities must not be linked publicly to a User.
> Identities or Users may not be linked to a Legal Name.
> Identities should be able to use several services, not always hosted on the
> same FreedomBox. Thus there should be a way to publish this information,
> either publicly or privately.
> There must be strong ways to authenticate an Identity as well as a User.
> There must be strong ways to verify a Identity ownership.
> I would be grateful if somebody could explain bullet point 5 and the last
> bullet point. I would also like to propose "identity" in the feature list
> above be replaced with username, a label more familiar to users. I would
> also like to propose the "Using GNUPG" section be replaced with "Security".
> Some of my glossary entries seem a bit long and I am wondering should some
> of the glossary characteristics be listed as a feature. I also wonder where
> should I place the scenarios described above - should I add them to the user
> stories wiki entry?
> If people agree with broadening the scope of the entry I would like to
> rename the wiki entry to user management. All feedback is welcome.

Nice wrap up.

This might be helpful too


The report from December last year, was several years of study of the
identity landscape, invited experts from pretty much every major group
had input and gave presentations.

> -- fiftyfour
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