[Freedombox-discuss] A Simple Server Setup Guide

Melvin Carvalho melvincarvalho at gmail.com
Mon Aug 22 00:53:03 UTC 2011

On 22 August 2011 02:12, Nick Daly <nick.m.daly at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Freedombox folks,
> I find Eben Moglen's ideals and your project rather inspiring.  I found
> them so inspiring that I decided to see if I could create a
> Freedombox-similar-server to fit my
> dehierarchicalization-through-plug-computer needs.
> I think I succeeded.  Right now, my server is running in a VM on my
> laptop (because I don't yet have a plug-computer) and it's not yet
> reachable over the internet (because my router is physically incapable
> of forwarding ports) but, right now, it runs just beautifully inside of
> 128MB RAM, and 2GB disk-space.
> Importantly, I wrote up my experiment in a tutorial [0] for any
> like-minded person to follow.  If you have the time and interest, I'd
> appreciate if anyone on the list could give it a read-through and send
> me some feedback on it - improvements, security holes, any comments at
> all, really.  Let me know what you think!
> Thanks for your time,
> Nick
> 0: https://bitbucket.org/nickdaly/plugserver/
> PS: I'd appreciate if anyone could offer ideas on how to make
> Freedomboxes (or similar servers) reachable over the internet, through
> ISPs that fight *really* hard (through their policies and standard
> hardware) to prevent users from hosting or serving anything.  I'm
> looking for hackier solutions than "change ISPs" because, thanks to the
> monopoly American ISP market, that option's mostly irrelevant.  (Is
> there some sort of DNS alternative out there?)

Awesome write up!

Clever use of bitcoin.

Minor Note: Not sure how useful it is to host your own OpenID these
days.  Host your own ID seemed to be pretty much abandoned by the
OpenID community.  I dont think livejournal, who invented OpenID is
even accepted by most relying parties.

> --
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