[Freedombox-discuss] CCC Meeting Notes

Yannick sevmek at free.fr
Tue Aug 30 10:01:26 UTC 2011

Le lundi 15 août 2011 à 15:40 +0200, Isaac Wilder a écrit :
> Yate for SIP.

Yate seems pretty much limited regarding SIP features : no video, no
SIMPLE implementation (i.e. presence support), it seems even to lack TCP
support (wich is mandatory).

Please consider the following softwares instead:
Server part: 
* Kamailio http://www.kamailio.org (GPLv2)

* Asterisk http://www.asterisk.org/ (GPL) and derivates like Trixbox CE

* Freeswitch http://www.freeswitch.org/ (MPL-1.1)

client part:
Linphone http://www.linphone.org/
Jitsi (JAVA) http://www.linphone.org/
Ekiga http://ekiga.org/

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