[Freedombox-discuss] Sunday US-morning/euro-afternoon hacker session in #freedombox on irc.oftc.net

bertagaz at ptitcanardnoir.org bertagaz at ptitcanardnoir.org
Thu Feb 17 11:10:41 UTC 2011

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 11:52:03AM +0100, Michiel de Jong wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 11:27 AM, Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk> wrote:
> > The keyword here is "transition": Yes, I could look at whatever mashup
> > you'd thrown together and be inspired by that in a recreation from scratch
> > myself using different tools for a Debian Pure Blend.  But I don't want to
> > recreate from scratch.
> >
> Fair enough! So when the live experimentation leads to something worth
> sharing, i'll learn how to put it into live-builder. It's this one, right?
> http://live.debian.net/devel/live-build/
> It also sounds like useful in itself, because you could put it on a USB
> stick for your plugserver (or other old piece of hardware you have lying
> around) to boot from, and people could experiment with it at home, and
> propose changes and additions based on something that we can version and use
> as a focal point for discussion.

I have concerns it might not work that well on a plugserver, as a live
environement require too much memory. But still people could test it on
better hardware.

> So using live-builder, the result will be easy to reuse for the Pure Blend?
> Cheers,
> Michiel

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