[Freedombox-discuss] Establishing Communication between Freedomboxes

Lukas Nagl stdin.lukas.n at gmail.com
Sat Jul 2 14:14:08 UTC 2011


although the topic is raised in various subjects, I think that there is 
a need for a specific place to talk about how different freedomboxes 
will be able to establish communication with each other.

This question doesn't concern itself with the contents of communication, 
but rather with how a communication can be first established, and 
re-established in the future (e.g. John wants to be able to communicate 
with Sue, and once the initial handshake was successful [if any], be 
able to communicate with her again in the future).

There are various ways to do this. Some centralized, some decentralized, 
some require people meeting each other and some don't.

What possibilities do you see, and what do you propose?

-- Lukas

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