[Freedombox-discuss] Establishing Communication between Freedomboxes

Marc Manthey marc at let.de
Sat Jul 2 15:22:34 UTC 2011

On Jul 2, 2011, at 4:14 PM, Lukas Nagl wrote:

> There are various ways to do this. Some centralized, some  
> decentralized, some require people meeting each other and some don't.
> What possibilities do you see, and what do you propose?

an  idea.

Every freedombox has some unique identifier or even a profile whitch  
could be so " annonymous"  as the user  want,
it could be like a Vcard, avatar/profilepict , with public keys, tags,  
information about the user what he "likes" or is "interested" in.
Remember it should be social !! ....;)

This information could be retrieved via an url  for e.g.  :// 

Keep in mind that a freedombox can be used from several different  

So this start dialog is nesessary after reboot or user change.

Then you hit  the "connect to freedom " button and you will be  
connected to a kind of "opendirectory " ? or some sort of thing
where you see all the connected freedomboxes in realtime and can  
browse/explore or search them

I believe its absolutly unpracticle to exchange "keys" in real life  
because most of us might possibly never meet because
we life on a different continent, in a different timezone , or speak  
another language. (But of course it should be optional )

So we can browse the "freedombox directory"  for services and  
information and request a "connenction" with another freedombox,
these "peered" boxes we categorise  in different "colored circles"  or  
whatver cloud symbols to  relations like ,
( my computer enthusiasts , my cricket club, my whisteblowers , my  
chinese connection .e.t.c )

So we use a centalised "meeting point / rendevous server" ( identity  
provider? maybe to verify the software  compactibility also )
for first connect or to explore NEW freedomboxes when we want to grow  
our network. (maybe we could display connectivity data/ranking so  
everybody who wants to connect to a specific box could see how much  
"worth" a conenction is , depending if  the box is connected to a  
fibrewire network for example or just connected via a 56k modem


build an independent peer 2 peer network from our personal relations  
and connenction, whitch could be totally independent if we have enough  
"neighbours " and thruput......So our network getting faster and  
better and more reliable  with any connection we make :)



--  Les enfants teribbles - research / deployment
Marc Manthey- Vogelsangerstrasse 97
50823 Köln - Germany
blog: http://let.de
twitter: http://twitter.com/macbroadcast/

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