[Freedombox-discuss] VOIP application layer

FreedomBox-Discuss.NeoPhyte_Rep at OrdinaryAmerican.net FreedomBox-Discuss.NeoPhyte_Rep at OrdinaryAmerican.net
Wed Jul 20 14:16:51 UTC 2011

On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 1:44 AM, Marc Manthey - marc at let.de wrote:
> <snip>
> So why we need all this NAT /SIP/STUN / punching stuff ?

I suggest you carefully study the rate at which replacement technology
eliminates that which it is replacing.

First ask yourself, how long has IPv6 actually been available?  That
is, how long have Internet communications equipment suppliers been
offering components that support IPv6?

Then, how long has it taken major implementers, large Internet Service
Providers (ISPs), large network companies, and national governments,
to buy IPv6 equipment and place it into service?

We are getting closer and closer to running out of IPv4 addresses and
I see very little advertising seeking customers for IPv6 or employees
able to implement and support IPv6.  The first response to the
scarcity of IPv4 addresses was companies selling or leasing their
unused IPv4 addresses to other companies, regardless of the lack of
approval by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

Remember, there are 2^32 IPv4 addresses.  That represents an enormous
amount of capital in the installed base.

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