[Freedombox-discuss] http://politics.slashdot.org/story/11/07/18/0153204/Security-Consultants-Wa rn-About-PROTECT-IP-Act

Charles N Wyble charles at knownelement.com
Thu Jul 21 21:50:29 UTC 2011

On 07/21/2011 11:38 AM, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
> ok, i just had a wonderful funny comment from someone, off-list, who
> thought it was incredibly funny that i had to point out that the
> software actually needs to be written before it can be packaged.
> he also pointed out that this point would probably have to be repeated
> multiple times before it actually sank in.
> i just wrote back to him and asked him if he could possibly write the
> following (and given that i wrote it to him i might as well cut/paste
> it here):
>  perhaps you might like to "chip in", with something like "so let me
> get this straight: you're saying that there are actually two tasks -
> one is to write the software, and the other is to package it, and
> you're also saying that the debian developers are the best people to
> do the packaging?"
>  then i can reply "why yes, i am indeed: how observant of you to
> notice!  i am indeed saying that there are ... "
>  :)

ROFL ! Awesome.

+1 :)

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