[Freedombox-discuss] Objectives and Introduction

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Fri Jun 10 10:36:22 UTC 2011

On 11-06-09 at 09:46pm, Bdale Garbee wrote:
> On Fri, 10 Jun 2011 03:57:41 +0200, Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk> 
> wrote:
> > That said, I believe Bdale is aiming more broadly for now: Try read 
> > his mail with a fresh mind - without assumptions on specific designs 
> > like Debian Pure Blends or anything else.
> Actually, Jonas, I think the basic definition of a Debian Pure Blend 
> is a pretty good description of what I think we want to deliver.  
> There are certainly elements of other Pure Blends that aren't relevant 
> to us, though.
> Are there specifics about what being a Debian Pure Blend implies that 
> concern you?

I am very, VERY happy that you see it like that!

No, I am not against tying FreedomBox to DDD[0] - quite the opposite!  
My only reason for above comment was to avoid rushing to conclusions in 
this process of consensus making which you've started.  But I guess I 
should just let you do your own talking, that's probably less confusing 

I am, however, concerned if we agree on what it means to be a "Debian 
Pure Blend":  Andreas Tille focus a lot on usability of the Debian Pure 
Blends concept where I care most for the technical principles of it.  
Andreas worries if my being so obnoxious about the "Pure" part is 
hurtful for adoption of the concept, while I on the other hand worry 
that his more relaxed interpretation ruins it as happened with its 
previous name.

I am confident that any potential major disagreements on the 
interpretation will be revealed in our conversations in the next months.

You are also welcome to ask directly about the concept.  I know that I 
have been lousy at promoting/defining it, so any questions can only 
improve the situation.


 - Jonas

[0] The little-known abbreviation of "Debian Pure Blend" is "DDD".  
Deliberately difficult to expand without knowing the concept ahead, as 
misinterpretations was the very reason for renaming the concept: Only 
the long form is intended for the wider public, the abbreviation only 
meant for internal use of those already aware of its meaning.  It is a 
play on the SPARS code which actually makes surprisingly good sense - 
more info at http://wiki.debian.org/DDD

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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