[Freedombox-discuss] Creating Mailing Lists

John Gilmore gnu at toad.com
Thu Nov 3 22:45:22 UTC 2011

> There are others here, like me, who have little talent in this area,
> but have valid comments to make concerning our aesthetic response to
> the proposals.  Please don't go off into your own corner and discuss
> things in private among the three of you.  Release early and release
> often in the open arena of this list as you have done here this time,
> please.  Thank you.

No, please.

This is the last message I want to see about the details of logos and
aesthetics.  And I bet I'm not the only one.

Where are the *($%*#$)@# topical mailing lists?  Until somebody sets
them up, EVERYBODY is stuck listening to all the stuff they have zero
interest in -- or stuck unsubscribing from the main list and thus
getting little or no info.  And unsubscribing is looking increasingly
like more fun than sticking around.

If only three people want to talk about a topic (like visual design),
PLEASE make a mailing list for it!  Otherwise those three people will
correspond on the main list -- bothering a thousand people who don't
care at all.  And incidentally informing twelve observer/commenters
who like seeing their messages.  But those people should've just
subscribed to the visual-design list, because they DO care about it.

If FB made a dozen mailing lists TODAY, we'd quickly find out which
ones get used and which don't -- a topic on which people will
endlessly and uselessly opine ("please include me in such a list" /
"no, such a list isn't useful") on the main list.


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