[Freedombox-discuss] Creating Mailing Lists

James Vasile vasile at freedomboxfoundation.org
Fri Nov 4 02:28:23 UTC 2011

I try not to dictate how or where WGs operate.  Some things make sense
on the list.  For example, Bdale has been referring to the recent
Prosody discussion as a temporary ad-hoc working group.  That happened
on list and was quite good.  

In this case, Robert Martinez asked me to start a mailing list for Promo
and Visual identity.  And I agree it would be useful, so here it is:


If you are interested in promotion and visual identity, join that list
and let's have that discussion over there.  Please report back with
anything interesting or excellent or fun.

If you want to lurk but don't want to subscribe, you can use RSS.  Feed
links are available from the above page.

Thanks much,

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