[Freedombox-discuss] Straight and Narrow.

Stephen Michael Kellat skellat at fastmail.net
Mon Oct 24 19:51:36 UTC 2011

On 10/24/2011 10:49 AM, Bdale Garbee wrote:
> FWIW, I spent two days in New York last week meeting with James, Eben,
> and others on FreedomBox Foundation business.  James took lots of notes
> during our discussions, and I assume will eventually find time to post a
> summary of what transpired.  But in the meantime, I assert that we are
> *not* delayed trying to do things that are specific to the support of
> dissidents.  The identity and security machinery and associated user
> interfaces we are slowly piecing together are, we think, fundamental
> parts of our plan for helping various technologies already available in
> the Free Software world scale to a larger audience.
> Bdale
> [snip]

Thank you for the update, Bdale.  If anything the lack of frequent 
updates contributes to image of nothing happening even though something 
is.  I look forward to Mr. Vasile's hopefully upcoming notes to better 
set out what is happening.

I've been waffling for about a week asking for a general status update 
for the project.  We've got some of that out there now on-list.  A more 
regular, routine mechanism for releasing updates may need to be created 
before long.

With that being said, I need to polish up my notes on using gpodder as 
well as gpodder.net to provide for automated unattended podcast 
downloading on headless boxes like the SheevaPlug.  I've got it 
implemented at home and just need to clean up for general use my notes 
on how to implement it.  Hopefully I can get that down and posted later 
this week.

Stephen Michael Kellat

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