[Freedombox-discuss] Non-tech version of how "freedom box grid "could work

Marc Manthey marc at let.de
Sat Oct 29 13:03:33 UTC 2011

On Oct 29, 2011, at 2:51 PM, Pierre Fenoll wrote:

>  you meant a web interface?

of course, thats what we talking about since month


> then he|she sould be already waiting at this address in his|her  
> browser…
> PS: "booting freedom" <-- that is so cool!
> On 29 October 2011 13:26, Marc Manthey <marc at let.de> wrote:
> hello freedom boxers :),
> After reading all the informative posts from Luke and others about  
> hardware, ipv6 and so on i  keep racking my brain how this could  
> look like at the end. So here is my short explanation from my point  
> of view
> ------- booting freedom -----
> After your freeedombox  is booted , you will be redirected to a http://home 
>   page, where you can put in your freedombox credentials, like name  
> your box, upload an avatar, create a  security key, tag interests,  
> enable  services (mail, chat, file sharing,your packet stats and  
> whatever will run on a freedombox )
> Importand !  The freedombox needs to detect if you have Internet or  
> not, in case you havent another freedombox needs to be reachable,
> ( What happend if not ? )
> In case you have real internet, you will be forwardet to a big  
> global map, where you can see all the connected freedomboxes , this  
> is just an expample http://www.accessgrid.org/map , i have something  
> like a moving_google_earth_globe in mind ;)
> So if your connected you can "mouse  over" the "dots", whitch  
> represent other freedomboxes and see a simple freedombox information  
> window
> ( could be country, name, connection up/down / available space,  
> uptime e.t.c. ) , the user can choose , what information would be  
> public , like on facebook or any other social networking site.
> If somebody is interested in a specific host he could send a " peer  
> - request" T his peer request is like a friendship request but it  
> will allow the other host to activly route traffic from the other  
> machine and share the user defined services ( a specific amount  
> needs to be mandatory, otherwise everybody just "suck" and this does  
> not help to make a network more stable.
> So your personal freedombox grid grows with any successful new peer  
> and make you more and more independent from your own internet  
> connection.
> I think this solution would  even allow to run a small freedombox  
> grid without having a critical mass.
> What you think ? is this a realistic szenario ?
> greetings from battle overseas
> Marc
> --  Les enfants teribbles - research / deployment
> Marc Manthey- Vogelsangerstrasse 97
> 50823 Köln - Germany
> Tel.:0049-221-29891489
> Mobil:0049-1577-3329231
> blog: http://let.de
> project : http://stattfernsehen.com
> twitter: http://twitter.com/macbroadcast/
> facebook: http://macbroadcast.tk
> Please think about your responsibility towards our environment: Each  
> printed e-mail causes about 0.3 grams of CO2 per page.
> Opinions expressed may not even be mine by the time you read them,  
> and certainly don't reflect those of any other entity (legal or  
> otherwise).
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--  Les enfants teribbles - research / deployment
Marc Manthey- Vogelsangerstrasse 97
50823 Köln - Germany
blog: http://let.de
project : http://stattfernsehen.com
twitter: http://twitter.com/macbroadcast/
facebook: http://macbroadcast.tk

Please think about your responsibility towards our environment: Each  
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