[Freedombox-discuss] Need some help on UI - was: What Do You want to use the FreedomBox for?

Elena ``of Valhalla'' elena.valhalla at gmail.com
Wed Jul 11 08:37:48 UTC 2012

On 2012-07-11 at 09:23:29 +0200, Mathieu Jourdan wrote:
> No reproach, I just was wondering if using something like GitHub was
> compatible with the FreedomBox philosophy. As Ben emphasized, because
> such platform users necessarily have a local copy, they still
> independant. 

Note that while the repository itself is fully available in every 
local copy, github adds some informations such as comments 
or issue tracking that are *not* distributed.

I believe I have read somewhere that these informations are accessible 
via a public api, and that somebody had wrote a tool to backup  
them, but I don't have a link handy.

> Using Debian's Alioth page for code hosting is not
> necessarily a better way. In conclusion, I'll probably open an account
> on either Alioth or GitHub, to host a few repo and share my ridiculous
> Plinth commits.

Would something like gitorious qualify as convenient like github, but 
more freedom-friendly?

Elena ``of Valhalla''
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