[Freedombox-discuss] Identity UI

Melvin Carvalho melvincarvalho at gmail.com
Sat Jun 23 09:27:15 UTC 2012

On 23 June 2012 07:23, Nick M. Daly <nick.m.daly at gmail.com> wrote:

> So, identity is pretty fundamental to this project.  Without identity,
> privacy is a meaningless concept.  The FreedomBox identifies a person or
> group of people through their keys.
> People and their keys should be linked, and we should have a UI for
> managing that.
> For initial reference, I'd like to share the WebBox project [0] that
> somebody posted to this list long ago.  It inverts the standard
> development approach: not focusing on applications, but focusing on
> standardized data formats so that everything saves to, requests data
> from, and is controlled by a single data store.  Then, it doesn't matter
> what applications you're running, they all understand and interact with
> the same data.
> How should the FreedomBox do this?  Should or can we reuse the WebBox's
> solution?  Any UI ideas?


Look at the authors of that paper, and it's the dream team of The Web,
they've been thinking about this problem for at least 2 decade and really
know what they are talking about.

In recent weeks, some really good progress has been made on an open source
implementation by Andrei Sambra, in collaboration with some of the Webbox


More are coming up, notably Openlink Data Spaces which is a bit more
heavyweight and enterprise oriented.  I believe parts of the openlink
engine are in nepomuk already and there's a good possibility that a webbox
like solution will end up in kde (both desktop and web)

I'm guessing by the end of the year there with be 4-6 social
implementations of the webbox idea and a user centric app ecosystem
building up around it too.

> Thanks for your input,
> Nick
> 0: http://people.csail.mit.edu/emax/papers/www2012-webbox.pdf
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