[Freedombox-discuss] Trouble with scripts

eresrch at eskimo.com eresrch at eskimo.com
Thu Mar 8 02:51:43 UTC 2012

Howdy folks,

I'm not used to scripts and the main freedombox build is giving me trouble.
When I hit "make" in the main directory I get this:

sudo ./mk_dreamplug_rootfs
[sudo] password for drmike:
em_multistrap 0.0.8 using fbx-armel.conf
Using foreign architecture: armel
em_multistrap: No sources defined for a foreign multistrap
        Using your existing apt sources. To use different sources,
        and list them with aptsources= in 'fbx-armel.conf'.
em_multistrap building armel multistrap on 'amd64'
INF: Setting ./lib64 -> ./lib symbolic link.
Getting package lists: apt-get  -o Apt::Architecture=armel -o
Apt::Get::Download-Only=true -o Apt::Install-Recommends=false -o

E: Could not open lock file
- open (2: No such file or directory)
E: Unable to lock the list directory
apt update failed. Exit value: 100
clean up target apt configuration
copy kernel packages to target filesystem
copy copy2dream.sh script to target filesystem
cp: cannot create regular file
No such file or directory
make: *** [stamp-dreamplug-rootfs] Error 1

Even if I create a lock file, the line umount $target/var/cache/apt/
would wipe it out (or something does).  On top of that, if I chown to my
standard name space, the script changes everything back to root, so only
root can create directories.  For example as root I do this:
root at Neurosprite:/media/ubuntu_0/home/drmike/Freedombox/freedom-maker/build/dreamplug#
mkdir sbin
followed by "make"

and I get exactly the same results as above.

At this point I'm just trying to build the base system.  I at least have a
flash drive set up with mount points as suggested, but I haven't gotten to
the point where that makes any difference.

If anyone can help me get through this I'd appreciate it, and if going off
line makes sense I'm more than happy to not bother the list.

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

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