[Freedombox-discuss] Legal problems with the privacy of the FreedomBox

P S pairspace at gmail.com
Thu Mar 29 15:05:21 UTC 2012

Which countries have the best legal protections for personal data?

Which FBox technical features would support those existing protections, or promote discussion of new legal protections that are coherent with new technical protections in FBox?  E.g. data collection that can be used as evidence in lawsuits for commercial privacy violation of personal data.

On Mar 29, 2012, at 9:20, Jack Wilborn <jkwilborn at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> As a reply to the 'facebook' and other concerns about computer security I would like to state that the US is far behind many countries on personal security of data.  We all have to take the responcibility of notifying our political lawmakes about how these laws effect us.
> All it takes is for us to ignore what they do and we will lose what we take for granted as personal data and face charges for removing it because it may be deemed as evidence of a crime.  As a retire police officer and a firearms advocate I can only point to other places that have lost freedoms.
> The US hasn't changed any Federal software laws since about 1985 (the Facebook creator was 3) this cannot continue and only us can change it.
> Our project could run fine then be made illegal with the swipe of a pen, so keep your eye open!
> Jack
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