[Freedombox-discuss] Announcing Santiago Release Candidate 1

Nick M. Daly nick.m.daly at gmail.com
Thu May 17 02:15:47 UTC 2012

On Tue, 15 May 2012 09:35:12 -0500, Nick M. Daly wrote:
> Hi folks, I'm proud to announce the first release candidate (developer
> preview) of the Santiago service.  Santiago is designed to let users
> negotiate services without third party interference.  By sending OpenPGP
> signed and encrypted messages over HTTPS (or other protocols) between
> parties, I hope to reduce or even prevent MITM attacks.  Santiago can
> also use the Tor network as a proxy (with Python 2.7 or later), allowing
> this negotiation to happen very quietly.
> Santiago currently lives at:
>     https://github.com/nickdaly/plinth/tree/santiago

Version 0.2.1 (RC2) has been released: it now stores connection data
between sessions, in a database.  Each database entry is encrypted to
your Santiago key.

You might want to turn off debug logging, otherwise it's really noisy.

It needs more tests and a lot more work, but I like where it's going.

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