[Freedombox-discuss] Is there a list of executables that are on the DP, part of what's shipped?

Jack Wilborn jkwilborn at gmail.com
Thu May 30 18:28:56 UTC 2013

I had asked a number of 'users' about things like this and was advised many
times to send it out to everybody.  Also, I consider what is on there as a
default part of the 'Freedombox' development.  How can you separate this?
If there is a distinct line, I would like to know what it is for future
questions.  Or maybe this isn't the area I should be in at all?


On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 11:16 AM, Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk> wrote:

> Hi Jack,
> [sending private copy - please tell if subscribed or need private copy
> in future replies too]
> Quoting Jack Wilborn (2013-05-30 19:53:01)
> > Hi all...  Was using the DP and tried to do a man for information.  I
> > can't seem to locate the man program.  It is not in /usr/bin but all
> > of the .gz files are in the proper place.  Is this never been built
> > for the DP or?
> >
> > Any suggestions or whatever anyone can think of, please respond.  I've
> > never built package for Linux, but if I must....
> I guess that with "DP" you mean DreamPlug.
> DreamPlug is a piece of hardware.,This mailinglist is for discussing the
> development of the Debian Pure Blend called "FreedomBox" (which happens
> to use DreamPlug as reference development platform).
> For Debian systems, the "man" command is in the package "man-db":
>   aptitude install man-db
> Questions like the above are better asked at one of our user
> mailinglists - more info at https://lists.debian.org/users.html
> Regards,
>  - Jonas
> --
>  * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
>  * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/
>  [x] quote me freely  [ ] ask before reusing  [ ] keep private
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