[Freedombox-discuss] The future is now -NASA future strategic issues/future warfare 2025

macbroadcast marc at let.de
Sun Oct 13 19:47:45 UTC 2013

Am 13.10.2013 18:30, schrieb macbroadcast:
> Hello citizens of the world
> time to bring this to your attention
> Short video clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4J7NLlloN0
> and the NASA 
> slideshttp://de.slideshare.net/opencu1/nasa-thefutureofwar-27141879 
> <http://de.slideshare.net/opencu1/nasa-thefutureofwar-27141879>

in addition


> greetings
> Marc
> -- 
> Les enfants terribles / Marc Manthey
> 50823 Köln, germany
> Vogelsangerstr.97
> Mobile : 0049-1577-3329231
> Fingerprint: B045 9750 C2CB 06C3 3782 A264 A47F 3645 0E19 8512
> Website:https://let.de
> Twitter:https://twitter.com/macbroadcast
> Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/opencu

Les enfants terribles / Marc Manthey
50823 Köln, germany
Mobile : 0049-1577-3329231
Fingerprint: B045 9750 C2CB 06C3 3782 A264 A47F 3645 0E19 8512
Website: https://let.de
Twitter: https://twitter.com/macbroadcast
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/opencu

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