[Freedombox-discuss] Cozy, a personal cloud you can host, hack and delete

Melvin Carvalho melvincarvalho at gmail.com
Wed Oct 23 15:51:12 UTC 2013

On 23 October 2013 17:36, Frank Rousseau <frank.rousseau at cozycloud.cc>wrote:

> Hello all,
>   I would like to introduce you to Cozy, a project that fit well with the
> Freedombox spirit. We started Cozy because we were annoyed by the fact that
> our personal data were spread among major cloud company silos. We wanted to
> take the full potential out of our data without worrying about privacy
> issues.
> To solve that, we built a personal PaaS that is simple to use and allows
> everyone to host and build easily web applications that collaborate around
> their personal data. It's aimed to be run on top of a linux distribution
> and the software is libre and open-source. About who is behind the project,
> it is supported by a startup, Cozy Cloud, part of the Mozilla WebFWD
> accelerator (our business model is based on professional services around
> the solution).
> Yesterday, we published our first release, name "Snowden", as a tribute to
> the person the NSA hates the most! He provided us with proofs of what we
> have suspected: the cloud is not a paradise. It has helped us tremendously
> in explaining the benefits of Cozy, we are grateful for his work. If you
> want to give it a try, you will find informations in the links below.
> NB: This first version only includes the core module. The available
> applications (contacts, calendar, photos...) still require some work.
> Annoucement : http://cozy.io/v1-snowden-**release/<http://cozy.io/v1-snowden-release/>
> Project website : http://cozy.io
> If you see some way we could join our force with the Freedom Box project,
> let us know we would be glad to work together!

Cozy cloud looks pretty awesome!

Andrei Sambra ( who works on rww.io and data.fm ) was saying that he met up
with some of the cozy cloud developers and brain stormed how the best
features of these two projects could be combined.

If this could be achieved you would have a first class interface, together
with a really powerful standards compliant back end that offers 100% data

I think this may be the job of one full time developer and imho would be a
great match for freedombox.  (A similar argument applies to OwnCloud, but I
suspect that would be a harder integration)

> Regards,
> Frank Rousseau
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