[Freedombox-discuss] s3ql - idea for backup between friends

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Sat Mar 22 13:59:26 UTC 2014

Hi.  Did any of you check out s3ql, a fuse file system with cloud
backends, supporting the APIs used by Amazon S3, Google Storage and
OpenStack as backends.  I'm testing it now for backup at home, and it
seem to be doing a good job.  It implements encryption, deduplication,
compression and snapshotting, among other things.  I wish someone
would check that the encryption is solid, thought. :)

The package is already in Debian Wheezy and Jessie. :)

It occured to me that it each freedombox privide a storage API (say
OpenStack), friends can grant access to each others storage API and
mount a backup disk locally with encryption, allowing files to be
backed up on each others freedombox while making sure the files are
only accesible for those with the encryption key.

Check out
<URL: https://bitbucket.org/nikratio/s3ql/overview >,
<URL: https://greenqloud.zendesk.com/entries/44611757-How-To-Use-S3QL-to-mount-a-StorageQloud-bucket-o
n-Debian-Wheezy > and
<URL: http://www.admin-magazine.com/HPC/Articles/HPC-Cloud-Storage

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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