[Freedombox-discuss] Quick report from GETD

Melvin Carvalho melvincarvalho at gmail.com
Sun Apr 5 15:08:24 UTC 2015

On 5 April 2015 at 15:58, Markus Sabadello <markus at projectdanube.org> wrote:

> Am 4/5/2015 um 2:36 AM schrieb Melvin Carvalho:
> On 5 April 2015 at 05:28, Markus Sabadello <markus at projectdanube.org>
> wrote:
>>  We used Henry's server: https://github.com/read-write-web/rww-play
>> It seems a bit heavy for a little box and could probably be optimized a
>> bit, but in general it worked very well for us.
>> I am interested in trying GOLD as well! They should be compatible, right..
>  Thanks, I know that repo.
>  Yes GOLD is compatible with LDP.  It passes all the tests on the spec.
> For those that dont know LDP stands for "Linked Data Platform".  Linked
> Data is pseudonym for semantic web / web of data / web3.0 etc.  The
> "Platform" is essentially a web server that exposes a file server to the
> web, with some meta data, modeled on the UNIX principles.  It became a W3C
> recommendation about 1 month ago, and has about 10 different
> implementations, and an interoperability test suite.
> GOLD it also has a few other features such as support for websockets, to
> allow realtime updates, modular authentication, access control lists and
> JSON LD.  In some sense it's pre guessing what will go into the next
> version of the spec, but given that it's coming from Tim Beners-Lee's team
> at MIT, and Tim is director of the W3C those guesses should be quite good
> ones.
>  GOLD was a complete rewrite of the PHP version, written in Go for
> performance and async properties.  It runs on a raspberry pi quite well Im
> told.  We're starting to see the first alpha apps for this platform, and Im
> encouraged.  Apps are generally modular 100% client side JS apps, that can
> run from any location, including your own storage / file system, giving you
> extra control and freedom.  We'd like to converge with friendly projects
> such as unhosted and owncloud, and communication channels are open, but
> realistically convergence takes time.
>  One thing I have not worked out for freedombox is how to connect my
> storage to the web e.g. using dynamic dns over https.  If anyone has a
> solution to this, or any ideas, I'd be interested to hear.
> We re using PageKite, FreedomBox already supports that.
> And once Let's Encrypt is ready, https shouldn't be a problem either.

Thanks, Im really excited about letsencrypt, as I understand it we can test
in around 1 month from now, so currently Im slightly in waiting mode.

I have the domain myfbx.com which I used to run with HTTP with my freedom
box using dyndns.  But now the server I run is on HTTPS and most dyndns
services dont offer HTTPS at entry level.

I'm slightly confused about how pagekite works with HTTPS.  On the site it

"Trial period: *31 days* &

*2.5 GB"*
OK, so I probably wont use 2.5GB in a month.  But Im trying to understand
why is there a limit there, and is there any way to avoid it?  I dont mind
paying for a service, but just want to understand what im paying for...

>> Markus
>> Am 4/4/2015 um 6:05 PM schrieb Melvin Carvalho:
>> On 4 April 2015 at 20:17, Markus Sabadello <markus at projectdanube.org>
>> wrote:
>>>  Hello,
>>> We concluded the GETD event this week:
>>> http://get-d.net/get-decentralized-san-francisco-bay-area-spring-2015/
>>> I brought several of my CubieTruck-based FreedomBox prototypes.
>>> It turned out to be not so much a hackathon with a lot of developers,
>>> rather it was a smaller gathering with presentations and workshops and
>>> people from various backgrounds.
>>> So unfortunately we didn't really get to work on any of the TODO items
>>> that Sunil has put together.
>>> German startup Jolocom <http://jolocom.com/>, who convened the event,
>>> showed a demo of a mobile app where you can navigate a distributed semantic
>>> data graph (using RDF / Linked Data technology).
>>> So we installed a Linked Data server on the FreedomBoxes, and that was
>>> the main focus of the event.
>>  Sounds very interesting, thanks for sharing.  I think linked data is a
>> good match for freedombox.  Which server did you install, I've been testing
>> GOLD [1] quite extensively lately, and am pleased with the results.  Would
>> love to hear your impressions.
>> [1] https://github.com/linkeddata/gold -- GOLD -- Go Linked Data server.
>>>  We also had participation from RiotOS <http://riot-os.org/>, with some
>>> discussion how data from the Internet of Things could be controlled via a
>>> FreedomBox.
>>> I also had the pleasure to meet with:
>>> - Greg who had introduced us to DNSChain
>>> <https://github.com/okTurtles/dnschain> on one of the recent progress
>>> calls.
>>> - Ranga Krishnan of the EFF, who pointed me to LEAP <https://leap.se/>
>>> as a candidate technology for secure messaging on FreedomBox
>>> - John Light who is working on a Bitcoin box
>>>  <https://bitseed.org/product/blockchain-node-developer-version/>
>>> So once again it seems clear how a FreedomBox can potentially be used
>>> for so many different purposes.
>>> Therefore I think the extensibility of Plinth and package management (as
>>> we discussed on the last call) is becoming more and more important.
>>> On Wednesday evening, we were invited to a party at the Internet Archive.
>>> I had the opportunity to give a talk about FreedomBox, see here for the
>>> recording:
>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YgOYjOGZuQ
>>>  <https://bitseed.org/product/blockchain-node-developer-version/>Next
>>> week I will be at the Internet Identity Workshop:
>>> http://www.internetidentityworkshop.com/
>>> Markus
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