[Freedombox-discuss] Intel Compute Stick

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Tue Jan 13 22:39:41 UTC 2015

Quoting Melvin Carvalho (2015-01-13 22:38:47)
> On 13 January 2015 at 14:46, Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk> wrote:
>> Quoting Melvin Carvalho (2015-01-13 10:57:04)
>>> I was wondering if this could be a candidate for a freedom box 
>>> device?
>>> http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/compute-stick/intel-compute-stick.html
>>> Rumoured to be around $150
>> To me it is unsuitable for a FreedomBox: It lacks ethernet.
> Fair enough. In truth, I completely missed that, sorry!
> Though the fbx ive run in the past was based on wifi.

An early OLinuXino board, perhaps?

In the past I (also?) favored Open Hardware over ethernet, but many 
boards have emerged since then, and I raised the bar at that wiki page.

(arguably the bar should be at _dual_ ethernet, to match the DreamBox, 
but that would leave us with quite few options, and I am not even sure 
we make use of both ethernet ports anyway).

>> How do you find this option better than (or on par with) the 59 
>> currently at <https://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/TargetedHardware>?
> This page passed me by, great work.  I dont find this option better.  
> However with intel's economy of scale I wonder if it could push prices 
> down.

An Intel board was added recently (or maybe 3: Possibly Intel is 
involved also in the MinnowBoard).

>> Is it that architecture is AMD64?  Is it the confidence that Intel is 
>> a big company?  Is it the form factor?  Or perhaps you see it as a 
>> _benefit_ that it does not include ethernet?  Why do you suggest it?
> Main reason is that it was trending in a few places.  I do like the form
> factor, but the reservations pointed out make a whole lot of sense. 

A few boards (or should I say "sticks"?) of similar form factor exists 
already and far cheaper, based on either Allwinner or Rockchip.  None of 
them have ethernet, but that might change if/when the "USB armory" 
(listed as "promising" at the TargetedHardware wiki page) gets finished.

> Apologies if this came across as spam, wil try and do my homework 
> better next time, thanks for the pointers!

Nope, not spam at all - great to get suggestions!  And sorry if I came 
across as arrogant: I wrongly assumed that wiki page to be well known 
also by you (that last bit is meant as a compliment!).

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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