[Freedombox-discuss] Debconf15: Free Communications with Free Software -- Daniel Pocock

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Thu Nov 5 13:51:09 UTC 2015

Quoting James Valleroy (2015-11-05 14:09:35)
>> On September 9, 2015 at 4:03 AM Petter Reinholdtsen <pere at hungry.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Did you all see the recording from debconf on free real time 
>>> communication systems, 
>>> <https://summit.debconf.org/debconf15/meeting/317/free-communications-with-free-software/>.
>> Is there a way we can get the Freedombox to include a working 
>> federated audio/video option?

Yes: Follow the guidelines at 
https://wiki.debian.org/UnifiedCommunications/DebianDevelopers - which 
involves including a SIP server on the box and/or integrate with the 
XMPP server already included.

When those server parts are in place on the box, then a simple static 
web page can embed libjs-jssip - e.g. like https://rtc.debian.org/

> One option could be XMPP JIngle. This doesn't require any change on 
> the server side, just a client that supports it.
> From our "Leaving the Cloud" wiki page, I found 3 XMPP web clients 
> that claim to support Jingle (but none are in Debian yet):
> https://project.jappix.com/
> https://movim.eu/
> https://github.com/otalk/otalk-im-client

Those three projects are all client parts, I believe.  They therefore 
all require server part above, and are only spiffier replacement for the 
static web page.

> If anyone can, please try installing / using one of these, and let us know
> about your experience. Then we can focus on packaging the most promising
> option.

Sure, please do help package more nice stuff for Debian, so that it can 
also be considered for improving the user experience of FreedomBox.  
Just beware that we already have a working client part: Packaging nicer 
looking user-facing clients does not solve the issue crucial to 
FreedomBox, which is to keep the log files locally at the user and 
therefore run the *server* at the user.

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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