[Freedombox-discuss] Translations of Plinth (Was: Wiki content proposals)

Sunil Mohan sunil at medhas.org
Mon Nov 9 01:15:26 UTC 2015

On 11/09/2015 12:36 AM, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> [Petter Reinholdtsen]
>>> Regarding Plinth, translation has started on Github
>>> https://github.com/freedombox/Plinth/tree/bcb26cc52c9048501e3cfa1098de98df4a4b75af/locale
>> Very good that it is using PO files.
> Btw, I had a closer look (and started on an nb translation), and noticed
> two typos (missing quotes) in the fr file.  I've commited a fix, but you
> should check if I got it right.

Thank you, I was getting to that.  I have also properly
internationalized the strings that caused the problem.

You seem to have pushed to upstream/Plinth the debian/Plinth tree.  Do
you propose to have native Debian packages instead of current
upstream/debian model?  Or was that unintentional?

> But most translation files are empty at the moment:
> % for f in locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/django.po ; do printf "%s " $f; msgfmt --output=/dev/null --statistics $f; done
> locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po 0 translated messages, 240 untranslated messages.
> locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/django.po 0 translated messages, 240 untranslated messages.
> locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po 240 translated messages.
> locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/django.po 0 translated messages, 240 untranslated messages.
> locale/nb/LC_MESSAGES/django.po 28 translated messages, 212 untranslated messages.
> locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/django.po 0 translated messages, 240 untranslated messages.
> %
> What is the logic beind the current language selections?  Do we have
> volunteer translators for the listed languages?

My guess would be that they were selected based on expression of
interest during the hackathon the day before.  I think we should remove
the empty files and add them back when the translations are started.

> Btw, why is the file structure locale/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/django.po?  A
> more common structure is to use locale/<lang>.po or similar (I've seen
> po/ as the directory too), and this make it easier to loop over all the
> translation files, as the language code is included in the file name.

The files are (presumably) generated using 'django-admin makemessages'.
 Django has a tiny wrapper over gettext to make a few additional things
possible[1].  The idea is to stick with it's way of doing i18n/l10n.  It

- Per request locale setting instead of per application execution.

- Lazy translations for example to serve the same form to multiple users
with different locales.

- Supports running the application in place without having to install it.

- Modularize on a per-application basis if we choose.


1) https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/topics/i18n/


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