[Freedombox-discuss] Wiki content proposals

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Sat Oct 31 21:43:50 UTC 2015

[Philippe Baret]
> Hello,
> adviced by Sunil, i am working on the french translation of the 
> FreedomBox user manual (open document on wiki).

I recommend handling translations using po files.  It is the method we
use with Debian Edu, and it allow us to know when the original changes
and which paragraphs need to be updates when it does.

<URL: http://people.skolelinux.org/pere/blog/From_English_wiki_to_translated_PDF_and_epub_via_Docbook.html >
for a description of the process I have in mind.  We can even upload the
pot file to transifex.com and allow translators to use a web browser to
update the .po files. Is this the process you have in mind to handle the
translation of the documentation?

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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