[Freedombox-discuss] Freedombox use: quick answer needed

Sunil Mohan Adapa sunil at medhas.org
Mon May 23 17:09:22 UTC 2016

On 05/23/2016 07:27 PM, Philippe Baret wrote:
> Hello,
> FreedomBox will be introduced to Spanish tech people and public
> institutions managers next 25/26th may at Medialab Prado:
> - http://democratic-cities.cc/speakers/
> - http://democratic-cities.cc/sessions/initiatives-for-open-democracy-and-a-decentralised-internet-unconference/
> - https://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/TalksAndPresentations
> Could you tell quickly how you are using FBX in order to explain some
> use cases (tools, personal use or projects) ?

I am using an A20-OLinuXino-Lime2 as a FreedomBox.

- It is my Wi-Fi router at home replacing an old DLink router which
probably has plenty of security holes in it by now.

- I use it also for syncing my calender and contacts with my Phone
(Replicant with DAVdroid) and Thunderbirds (with cardbook and
lightening).  I used to use ownCloud for files, but I stopped.

- I use it to stay online on IRC using Quassel and can connect for

- I have a domain thanks to Dynamic DNS service.

- I SSH back to home occasionally from outside to access my desktop.  I
seldom use OpenVPN although I have set it up on my Mobile.

- I had SIP calling from my phone (CSIPSimple) with my family setup but
it fell into disuse.

- I use Mumble on FreedomBox at two other locations when I participate
in audio conferences.

- Friends of mine are experimenting with FreedomBoxes to provide free
Internet, free telephony (using repro/yate) and community radio
(icecast, not yet in FBX) in 4 villages here in India.


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