[Freedombox-discuss] Freedombox use: quick answer needed

Dietmar ndcdhimdsa at gmx.de
Mon May 23 18:09:00 UTC 2016

Am Montag, den 23.05.2016, 15:57 +0200 schrieb Philippe Baret:

> Hello,
> FreedomBox will be introduced to Spanish tech people and public
> institutions managers next 25/26th may at Medialab Prado:
> - http://democratic-cities.cc/speakers/
> - http://democratic-cities.cc/sessions/initiatives-for-open-democracy-and-a-decentralised-internet-unconference/
> - https://wiki.debian.org/FreedomBox/TalksAndPresentations
> Could you tell quickly how you are using FBX in order to explain some
> use cases (tools, personal use or projects) ?
> Answers here would be inspiring for everyone also i guess :)

Salut Philippe,

essential became radicale, the calendar service. I am using it in my
family to simplify our planning. So we have a common calendar in which
we all put those actions, also if just ideas, we plan to do together.
Including dates which are important for others, such as my business
trips, company closures, public holidays etc. This is synchronized with
Evolution (on my computer) and via DAVDroid and the built-in calendar
app with the mobile phones of all of us. 

Additionally I am using ikiwiki for my home page.
(https://divmondes.sds-ip.de/ikiwiki/iizathome ). On one side I have a
site to promote FreedomBox to friends, so I can tell them to find German
easy readings on my homepage, on the other side it is a storage of
weather information to organize outdoor activities. So now I can check
weather wherever I am.
Of course I have an https certificate with Let's Encrypt.
DynamicDNS gives me access to my home page. 
(if you go to "internet" you see the server "in action")

There also used to be owncloud to store bigger files for the home page
and also as public library and to share files and pictures with friends.
With the last update of PHP this does not work anymore, so I am back at
using the service from my internet provider, the German Telecom.

I have been experimenting with SIP to replace Skype for calls when I am
abroad, but cannot make it work. It is probably due to the very old
router I am using. I will try Murmur one day.

On my todo lists are the proxy (Privoxy) to save me from spying web
pages and annoying ads, synchronizing bookmarks (Shaarli) between my
computer(s) and the mobile phone, using the FreedomBox with a WLAN-stick
as router (this would enhance my speed from 10Mb/s to 16Mb/s, due to
limits of my router).
And I would like to join the web of trust (Monkeysphere) and spread the
usage of secure encrypted e-mail communication.

So far my usage and plans.

My hardware is the Olinuxino A20 LIME (not the 2). I decided for the old
version to see with how little ressources the system could run. I am
happy with it. All is stored on a 32 GB micro-SD card. Total cost of
board+housing+power supply+shipment+VAT was 63 €. The micro-SD card is
16 €.

Apart of using the FreedomBox I am actually checking where untrained
users might stumble and I try to give feedback to the development. So
using this project for me has 2 purposes: having my own server which
frees me from data miners and supporting the project to improve and
spread the word.


> Cheers,
> Philippe "phylophyl"
> https://wiki.debian.org/PhilippeBaret
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