[Freedombox-discuss] sshd on non-standard port?

Daddy daddy at autistici.org
Wed Mar 15 20:16:18 UTC 2017

I have the same experience - I'm using freedombox as (internet exposed)
router, and I get several root login ssh attempts from various ip
addresses every few seconds.

I've installed fail2ban, but as pam-abl is present, that was probably an


On 15.03.2017 18:11, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Quoting Aaron Ferrucci (2017-03-15 17:30:00)
>> Hi all,
>> I see thousands of ssh login attempts on my freedombox. I've disabled
>> password login, so I think I'm pretty secure, but the attacks are
>> wasting cycles and filling my log files.
>> I've configured sshd to use a non-standard port (security by
>> obscurity) - I think that would reduce or eliminate the attacks - but
>> I believe the firewall is now getting in the way. So my question: how
>> can I open up the firewall for tcp on my non-standard port number? Is
>> that via the plinth interface, or is it a command-line thing (either
>> is fine).
>> If someone can point me in the right direction, I'll add a paragraph
>> on this to the manual.
> For new Debian installations - which includes Freedombox - ssh ignore
> password-based access to root.
> Also freedombox uses pam-abl which blocks the vast majority of those 
> "thousands" of login attemts for random non-root accounts.
> So perhaps you are vasting your time complicating matters.
>  - Jonas
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