[Freedombox-discuss] Serving tiddlers on Debian Freedombox?

hjenkins hjenkins at uvic.ca
Tue Dec 11 00:28:18 GMT 2018

Hello, Chris Dent,

May I suggest that putting a tiddler server on Debian Freedombox might be
a way to bridge to people who just want to use TiddlySpace? It would make
it possible to install and use it without interacting with anything except
a GUI.

Considering the general interest of the Freedombox community in wikis, it
seems like TiddlyWiki could be a good fit (I've CC'd the mailing list).

I realize Arlen Beiler has been working on TiddlyServer software more
recently, but I'm not sufficiently familiar with your programs to know
what might be more suitable for FreedomBox, and would welcome your views.

H. Jenkins

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