[Freedombox-discuss] Help getting hardware in EU

Thomas Thorpe tthorpejr at protonmail.com
Sun Feb 4 04:43:15 UTC 2018

Hello Tomas,

Let me start by saying that although I have limited experience with Freedombox, I'm replying since I have an Olimex Lime2 board you speak of. I'd choose the regular LIME2 with eMMC. Not the micro or nand versions. I can recommend it. It's fully capable and open in design. I successfully installed and configured an install of Freedombox.

Olimex has great shipping service. It came to me across the globe in a few days.
They sell everything you need for the LIME2. A case, power supply, heatsink, etc.

I do not use wireless with the LIME2, but you should have success with a wireless adapter that has an Atheros chipset like the ones listed at Think Penguin.
I needed a second NIC, so I purchased (Amazon) an Edimax USB ethernet adapter with the Atheros chipset. Works out of the box - Blob free.

Hope this helps.
If the Freedombox thing doesn't work out, you can always use the hardware for other fun projects.

Good luck,


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-------- Original Message --------
On February 3, 2018 6:04 AM, Kruffalon <kruffalon at ingivel.se> wrote:

> Hello fbx :)
> (Not a member of the list please include me in your replies.)
> I've been following the development of freedombox for a few years and now I want to get started using one.
> I understand I'm not the target audience for fbx just yet, but I really want to give it a try as I think it's an amazing project and idea.
> I'm fairly intimidated by purchasing hardware since I don't have the knowledge (or confidence) to get it right or the money to make big mistakes.
> So I'm asking you for help to order a set of hardware (including all the necessary cables, a box and a libre wifi-thingy) from one provider within the EU to just assemble and then I can get started.
> I think olimex.com looks good but if you have other suggestions I'm up for that.
> I've been looking at the A20-OLinuXino-Lime2 and -MICRO (I don't understand what's different in the two models) since they seem to be the most libre options and very cheap too.
> I understand if this is too much to ask but I will appreciate your help.
> I'm not looking for replies that tell me to rtfm (however kindly phrased) or to wait a bit longer. I've done that (for at least 2 years) and this is as far as I get with my meager knowledge of hardware.
> If I manage to get a good suggestion I will document my progress to make a beginners guide for the project.
> Hopefully,
> Tomas
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