[Freedombox-discuss] Should the box support social network based on Solid?

Daddy daddy at autistici.org
Sun Jul 8 15:40:57 BST 2018

Bit of an ad-hominem off-topic rant, sorry:

Whenever I see his name, I don't see man who "invented the web" but an
advocate for DRM
I don't believe he would produce anything Debian-worthy - but I'll be
very happy to be proven wrong.


On 08.07.2018 16:03, Sandy Harris wrote:
> I'd say obviously yes.
> The article that made me aware of it; Tim Berners-Lee who invented the
> web & heads this project, on problems with today's Internet:
> https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/07/the-man-who-created-the-world-wide-web-has-some-regrets
> Project web site:
> https://solid.mit.edu/
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