[Freedombox-discuss] is freedombox 0.9 a 1 and how many freedomboxes are there?

Jonas Smedegaard jonas at jones.dk
Fri Jun 22 00:10:29 BST 2018

Hi ni nhar and Matt,

ni nhar wrote:
> Is freedombox 0.9 stable as a version 1? How many freedomboxes are on 
> the internet? I ask because when maidsafe.net gets to version alpha 4 
> then freedomboxes could be one system to install maidsafe vaults on.

Quoting Matt Dodson (2018-06-22 00:32:16)
> The union of FreedomBox and Maidsafe is something I'm extremely 
> interested in, and building application upon.
> Currently haven't brought my DreamPlug up-to-date and online, but am 
> looking to do so shortly.

I am also quite interested in seeing Maidsafe running on FreedomBox.  
For that to happen, work is needed in getting it packaged for Debian.

Anyone having experience with Maidsafe?  I have only just started 
getting to understand the pieces involved, and could use some help 
getting an overview of the matter.  For starters, some web page listing 
how to bootstrap a setup.

One challenge I see is to get SAFE Browser packaged, since it uses 
Electron which is difficult to get packaged for Debian and even then is 
likely to not be stable enough for inclusion with a stable release.
Therefore, any documentation on how to bootstrap Maidsafe _without_ 
the need of that SAFE browser would be highly appreciated too.

Another challenge I see is to get the core libraries packaged, since 
they are written in Rust which as of yet has had no libraries packaged 
in Debian.  Will come for sure, but it is quite early days for it, so 
might take some time to mature and stabilize.

NB! ni nhar: Please consider changing to use an email program that emits 
not only html content but also (or only) plaintext.  Not all email 
programs handles html-only content - and some email servers even drop 
such emails because such style is common to some types of spam.  I would 
not have seen your message had it not been because Matt had replied to 
it and quoted it.  Just a friendly suggestion :-).

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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