[Freedombox-discuss] Virtual Q&A: November 13, 20:00 UTC - 21:00 UTC

Danny Haidar haidar at freedomboxfoundation.org
Sat Nov 10 15:26:03 GMT 2018

Hi everyone,

I want to follow up on something discussed in our call today. As
previously announced, the FreedomBox Foundation will be hosting a
FreedomBox Summit on Tuesday, November 13. The purpose of the summit is
to bring together core developers to discuss our project's main
challenges as we prepare to head into hardware sales.

We have reserved time at the FreedomBox Summit for a virtual Q&A with
developers who are not in attendance at the FreedomBox Summit. We
encourage developers to attend this virtual Q&A session and share
concerns, raise questions, propose solutions, and talk with Eben Moglen
about FreedomBox.

The Q&A session will take place at 20:00 UTC - 21:00 UTC (one hour) on
Tuesday, November 13 via Mumble.

We will be hosting the Q&A session on our regular Mumble server. To
access the Q&A session, please use a Mumble voice over IP (VoIP) client
application (available for free for desktop and mobile). On your Mumble
client, please connect to server <fbx.freedomboxfoundation.org> using
port 64738. Learn more about how to connect here:

Mumble etiquette: During the Q&A session, please use push-to-talk, and a
headset if possible. We want to minimize echoes during the call.

Though we welcome open-ended questions, please feel free to offer
solutions as well. Before the virtual Q&A session, the participants at
the summit will be discussing the items on a collaboratively written
agenda, which you can find here: https://pad.riseup.net/p/QaCHsaIgioHM

Please feel free to make comments about anything on that agenda or
anything that isn't on it.

I hope to see you there!


Danny Haidar

Danny Haidar
Vice-President for Product & Development
FreedomBox Foundation

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