[Freedombox-discuss] How to Contribute

Sunil Mohan Adapa sunil at medhas.org
Thu Oct 18 20:06:35 BST 2018

On Thursday 18 October 2018 11:11 AM, Leni Kadali Mutungi wrote:
> Hi all.
> Interested in contributing to FreedomBox. Here's my GitHub profile:
> https://github.com/leni1

Welcome to the project!

> I think I would be good with anything Python related as well as HTML and
> CSS. I have a question regarding setting up a development environment:
> can one hack on FreedomBox on Ubuntu or any other Debian-based distro or
> the distro you use should be (preferably) Debian.

Since the development runs happen inside a VirtualBox environment which
is setup by Vagrant. See HACKING.md. You don't need to develop on
FreedomBox. Ubuntu, Debian or other their derivatives should be okay.
Most of us use Debian.


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