[Freedombox-discuss] FreedomBox On Sale Now

Danny Haidar haidar at freedomboxfoundation.org
Mon Apr 22 18:49:10 BST 2019


Lots of good news to share today:

*Sales have launched!*

The big day is finally here: sales of the first commercially available
FreedomBox have launched!

The Pioneer Edition FreedomBox Home Server Kits can be purchased here:

The product is being sold by Olimex, a company which specializes in Open
Source Hardware. The product includes everything you need to host your
own home server: pocket-sized server hardware, an SD card with the
FreedomBox system pre-installed, and a backup battery which can power
the hardware for 4-5 hours in case of outages. It sells for €82 and
ships globally.

FreedomBox has succeeded in growing a thriving software ecosystem. But
you wanted an easy way to buy a FreedomBox, and we delivered. The
FreedomBox Foundation is proud to partner with Olimex, a well respected
company in the world of free and open source software. The word
"Pioneer" was included in the name of these kits in order to emphasize
the leadership required to run a FreedomBox in 2019. Users will be
pioneers both because they have the initiative to define this new
frontier and because their feedback will make FreedomBox better for its
next generation of users.

For the full story, check out our press release:

*Try Before You Buy*

In anticipation of the launch of sales, the FreedomBox team recently
created a live demo of FreedomBox. Anyone can demo the software to learn
what they'll be getting in the product. Test out our demo here:

*Free Technical Support*

Last month, we launched a new support forum where our users will get
free technical support for our software. Check out our support forum
here: https://discuss.freedombox.org/

In anticipation of this product launch, we even created a special
category on our forum where pioneers can get support and see the
questions that other pioneers have asked:

*What Can You Do To Help?*

If you want to help make this product launch a success, share this news
with anyone who might be interested! Forward this email to your friends
and family. Talk about Olimex's product on social media using
#FreedomBox and #BeAPioneer. And share the posts by our account,
@FreedomBoxFndn, on Mastodon and Twitter (links at the bottom of this email)

You can also share our press release via email and social media:

*Thanks for Joining Us On This Journey!*

It has been a long, worthy journey to get to this point! FreedomBox was
born in 2010, when Eben Moglen, Professor of Law at Columbia Law School,
delivered a speech called “Freedom in the Cloud” in which he made a
prescient claim: “Mr. Zuckerberg has attained an unenviable record: he
has done more harm to the human race than anybody else his age.”
Professor Moglen predicted the damage that would be done by Facebook;
and in his next breath, he conceived of an effort to create an
alternative Internet: FreedomBox. Now, nine years later, FreedomBox will
be delivered to doorsteps just as people realize that they need it.

Be a pioneer. Buy your FreedomBox today!

Until next time,
///Danny Haidar/
/Vice-President for Product & Development
FreedomBox Foundation/
/P.S. If you haven't already, make sure you subscribe to the FreedomBox
Foundation's new mailing list: https://freedomboxfoundation.org/contact/
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