[Freedombox-discuss] PROGRESS CALL: Saturday, August 10th at 14:00 UTC

Danny Haidar haidar at freedomboxfoundation.org
Fri Aug 9 15:07:02 BST 2019

Hi everyone,

The FreedomBox community's upcoming progress call is this Saturday,
August 10th at 14:00 UTC.

To access our calls, please use a Mumble voice over IP (VoIP) client
application (available for free for desktop and mobile). On your Mumble
client, please connect to server <fbx.freedomboxfoundation.org> using
port 64738.

Learn more about how to connect here:

You can find all future call reminders in the "Announcements" category
of our forum. Comments and agenda items can also be posted in the forum
thread for each call: https://discuss.freedombox.org/c/announcements

Hope you can make it!


Danny Haidar

Danny Haidar*
Vice-President for Product & Development
FreedomBox Foundation

* Not admitted to practice law in any jurisdiction.
Nothing in this email constitutes legal advice.
I cannot establish any attorney-client relationships.

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