[Freedombox-discuss] Times of India story on FreedomBox

Danny Haidar haidar at freedomboxfoundation.org
Wed Feb 6 17:53:26 GMT 2019

Hi everyone,

The Times of India has published a glowing story about FreedomBox in
rural India, and I want to make sure everyone sees it.

The Times of India is the third-largest newspaper in India and largest
English-language newspaper in the world (source: Wikipedia). I therefore
consider this story to be a huge accomplishment by Swecha (the group
leading the initiative in India) and our developers and supporters in
India. It's very encouraging to see a widely circulated, mainstream
media outlet publish a story about FreedomBox. To all of our
contributors and supporters: FreedomBox is on the rise, and your work is
being put to good use!

Huge shout-out to Swecha, Siddhartha Malempati for his leadership, and,
of course, our developers Sunil Mohan Adapa and Joseph Nuthalapati for
their trailblazing work in India.

Read this story. And share it!




Danny Haidar*
Vice-President for Product & Development
FreedomBox Foundation

* Not admitted to practice law in any jurisdiction.
Nothing in this email constitutes legal advice.
I cannot establish any attorney-client relationships.

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