[Freedombox-discuss] Patch: Freedom-Maker support for Lamobo R1

Florian Boor florian at kernelconcepts.de
Tue May 21 23:49:06 BST 2019


Am 19.05.19 um 03:56 schrieb Sunil Mohan Adapa:
> Thanks you for the patch! It looks good to me. We can merge as soon as
> we have a successful test report.

any volunteers out there? :-)
Is there some formal test one should perform?

> I heard the Lamobo R1 has design problem that routes packages from the
> WAN port to LAN port while the machine is in booting state. This exposes
> the internal network machines to security issues. We should be sure to
> confirm and document this fact in the manual.

yes right... its a scenario that happens during boot or - even worse - if there
is a boot failure before network gets configured.
Here is a short description:

> This is not a blocker for us. This is unfortunately the case with most
> Wi-Fi chips. We are recommending our users to use a separate Wi-Fi dongle.

Yes right...

> The UUID above looks corrupted somehow. Could you please check the

Yes right... I just checked fstab and the UUIDs and everything looks fine. Wrote
the image to a SD card again and now it seems to work. Maybe the SD card was bad
or I did something stupid...

Will continue testing...



The dream of yesterday                  Florian Boor
is the hope of today                    Tel: +49 271-771091-15
and the reality of tomorrow.		Fax: +49 271-338857-29
[Robert Hutchings Goddard, 1904]        florian.boor at kernelconcepts.de

kernel concepts GmbH
Hauptstraße 16
D-57074 Siegen
Geschäftsführer: Ole Reinhardt
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