[Freedombox-discuss] FreedomBox Summit 2019

Danny Haidar haidar at freedomboxfoundation.org
Fri Nov 8 21:40:26 GMT 2019

Hi everyone,

Now that the FreedomBox Summit is one week away, I'm bringing this
thread back.

The details:

On Friday, November 15th, 2019, the FreedomBox Core Team will meet in
New York City to agree on development plans for the year ahead.

Though only the Core Team members will attend the Summit in person, we
want the entire FreedomBox community members to get involved. There are
two ways for you to participate:
**1. Contribute items to the agenda:* the Summit's discussion agenda
will be written by YOU. Last year, most of the agenda consisted of items
suggested by various community members. You can suggest agenda items
either via email (in this thread or to me privately) OR you can post
them to our forum topic:

Prompt: In short, our agenda should reflect the most important issues
facing the FreedomBox project as we continue to improve our UI, attract
new users, and expand our hardware sales. What do you think are the most
important challenges facing the FreedomBox project? What should our
development priorities be for the upcoming year? We want FreedomBox to
become a mainstream consumer privacy solution. What do you think we need
to do before we get to that point?

*2. Join the virtual Q&A with Eben Moglen:* Just like last year, we have
dedicated time for a virtual Q&A with all interested FreedomBox
community members. I strongly encourage FreedomBox community members to
join the conference call during Session II. *This virtual Q&A session
will take place on Friday, November 15 at 20:00 UTC - 21:00 UTC (one
hour)* *on the FreedomBox Foundation's Mumble server*. You will be able
to speak directly with Foundation President Eben Moglen and the rest of
the core team. To access the calls, please use a Mumble voice over IP
(VoIP) client application (available for free for desktop and mobile).
On your Mumble client, please connect to server
<fbx.freedomboxfoundation.org> using port 64738.

I hope to hear some agenda items from more of you!



Danny Haidar*
Vice-President for Product & Development
FreedomBox Foundation

* Not admitted to practice law in any jurisdiction.
Nothing in this email constitutes legal advice.
I cannot establish any attorney-client relationships.

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