[Freedombox-discuss] option to get a free software freedombox on an orange pi one computer?

James Valleroy jvalleroy at mailbox.org
Wed Nov 20 13:41:23 GMT 2019

On 7/6/18 10:05 AM, a wrote:
> To
> submit at bugs.debian.org
> I sent this email
> Package: u-boot-sunxi
> Version: 2018.05+dfsg-1
> https://packages.debian.org/sid/armhf/u-boot-sunxi/filelist
> Please get orange pi one on the list.
> I have not gotten returning emails from debian. How
> can I tell if debian is going to act on my
> email?

The bug is reported, and there is a reply from the maintainer:

Basically they need someone who can test on a regular basis.

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