[Freedombox-discuss] FreedomBox Recognized as a Distribution of Linux

Fifty Four fiftyfour at waldevin.com
Sat Sep 7 01:23:01 BST 2019

When I click on the link for Freedombox I am taken to elearnix listing page.

On Sat, Sep 7, 2019 at 3:55 AM +1000, "Danny Haidar" <haidar at freedomboxfoundation.org> wrote:



Hi everyone,

Good news: DistroWatch has officially recognized the FreedomBox
      operating system as a distribution of Linux! This means that
      FreedomBox is now listed in DistroWatch's authoritative database
      of Linux and BSD distributions. It's considered a rite of passage
      for an operating system to be listed on DistroWatch. And
      FreedomBox has finally gained this honor!

One thing stands out to me about this news: this is a win for
      Debian Pure Blends.


Though FreedomBox is now listed as its own distribution on
      DistroWatch, we remain committed to Debian and our status as a
      pure blend. Indeed, FreedomBox is not the first Debian pure blend
      to be listed on DistroWatch: Debian
        Edu/Skolelinux has also been listed. The fact that pure
      blends are successful enough to achieve distribution status in
      their own right is a testament to Debian's strength as a stable
      base of software packages. FreedomBox is proof that you can build
      a fully-functional, specialized operating system without ever
      leaving the Debian ecosystem. I view our listing on DistroWatch as
      more proof that it is possible to succeed as a pure blend, despite
      the challenges.

Check out FreedomBox's official listing on DistroWatch here:


Check out our full news story here:

Congrats, everyone!



Danny Haidar*
Vice-President for Product & Development
FreedomBox Foundation

* Not admitted to practice law in any jurisdiction.
Nothing in this email constitutes legal advice.
I cannot establish any attorney-client relationships.


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