[Freedombox-discuss] FreedomBox restart Was: 20.9 released

Sunil Mohan Adapa sunil at medhas.org
Wed May 27 01:39:05 BST 2020

On 26/05/20 12:22 am, Geert Stappers wrote:
> On Tue, May 26, 2020 at 12:29:10AM +0200, Birger Blixt wrote:
>> Den 2020-05-19 kl. 02:54, skrev James Valleroy:
>>> System restart will happen at 02:00 local time
>> It's bad to do things at *:00 unless it's just local stuff.
>> If deployed in a large scale, some nodes somewhere will get a network
>> storm from all devices that request service at the exact same time.
>> A better approach is hour:<random minute> so the load is spread over one
>> hour.
> Yes, valid point.
> Thing I'm adding to the discussion:   daylight saving time switching.
> Here in west Europa happens  DST switch at 02:00  last Sunday March,
> the revert is 03:00 last Sunday October.
> That means no  02:12 on that Sunday in March.
> And twice a 02:12 on such Sundays in October.
>     :-)

Interesting case. I have tested this:

shutdown -h '<hour from now>'
date -s '<tomorrow>'

systemd has correctly triggered the shutdown as soon as time jumped.
Further the reboot would not be triggered twice because it is triggered
only if package needing reboot is upgraded. I suppose this should cover
us in both situations.


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