[Freedombox-discuss] Translation to French

Thomas Vincent thomas at vinc-net.fr
Tue Nov 17 23:48:08 GMT 2020

Bonjour Hetgyl,

Le 17/11/2020 à 16:36, verven at free.fr a écrit :
> Using recommended Weblate, I did some tentative translation to French
of FreedomBox mostly suggestions.

Thanks a lot!
I think I reviewed them all.
> I was wondering if French reading potential validators were notified
by weblate.

According to weblate, I am "watching" the translations, but I never
receive any notifications. I just changed my settings to correct that.

> If not, I'd be glad to join a French speaking group aimed at
discussing translation to French.

The Debian l10n-fr team has a mailing list [1] and an IRC channel [2].
It's not FreedomBox-specific, but if you want to discuss about French
localization, it's the right place.

[1] debian-l10n-french at lists.debian.org
[2] #debian-l10n-fr on irc.debian.org

I think most of the contributors of the french translation of FreedomBox
are on #freedombox-dev.

> I also updated translation to French of first page of
>  https://wiki.debian.org/fr/FreedomBox
> I'd like to have feedback of French speaking persons.

I'll try to have a look by the end of the week.

> Thanks,

Thank you!


> Hetgyl

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